Post Touchdown Attempt: Everything You Need to Know

Imagine this: your team has just scored a touchdown, and now the focus shifts to the post-touchdown attempt. The stadium is buzzing with excitement, and players are celebrating. But hold on—there’s more to come. What …

post touchdown attempt

Imagine this: your team has just scored a touchdown, and now the focus shifts to the post-touchdown attempt. The stadium is buzzing with excitement, and players are celebrating. But hold on—there’s more to come. What happens next? This is where the post-touchdown attempt comes into play, and it’s a vital part of the game that often doesn’t get enough attention. Let’s dive into what it involves, why it matters, and how it can impact the game.

What is a Post-Touchdown Attempt?

So, what exactly is a post-touchdown attempt? In simple terms, it’s the chance a team gets to score additional points immediately after they’ve scored a touchdown. This phase includes two main options: the extra point attempt and the two-point conversion attempt.

The Extra Point Attempt

The extra point attempt, also known as the PAT (point after touchdown), is the traditional and more straightforward option. Here’s a closer look:

  1. The Kick: After a touchdown, the team has the chance to attempt a kick from the 15-yard line in the NFL or the 3-yard line in college football. This position might seem easy, but remember, the kicker has to be precise.
  2. Scoring: If the kick goes through the goalposts, the team earns one extra point.

While it might seem like a routine part of the game, the extra point kick isn’t always a guaranteed success. The defense often tries to block the kick, and sometimes, even a slight miscalculation can lead to a miss. This single point might not look like much, but it can be critical in a tight game.

Historical Context of the Extra Point Kick

The concept of the extra point kick has been around for a long time, evolving over the years. Initially, after a touchdown, teams could score two points by kicking the ball from the 2-yard line. In 2015, the NFL moved the extra point attempt to the 15-yard line to make it more challenging. This change aimed to increase the difficulty and reduce the predictability of the extra point attempt, adding more strategic depth to the game.

Notable Instances

There have been notable instances where a missed extra point kick turned the tide of a game. For example, in Super Bowl LI, a missed extra point attempt by the Atlanta Falcons contributed to their loss against the New England Patriots. Such moments underline the importance of this seemingly simple play.

The Two-Point Conversion Attempt

The two-point conversion attempt is an alternative that provides a chance to score more points but with greater risk. Here’s how it works:

  1. The Play: Instead of kicking the ball, the team opts to run a play from the 2-yard line in the NFL or the 3-yard line in college football. This means the team has one play to get the ball into the end zone.
  2. Scoring: If the team successfully advances the ball across the goal line, they earn two additional points.

This attempt is more challenging as it involves executing a successful offensive play against a defense trying to stop them. Teams often choose this option when they need to catch up or maintain a lead, making it a high-stakes decision.

Strategic Considerations for Two-Point Conversions

Deciding to go for a two-point conversion involves analyzing various factors, including the current score, time remaining, and the team’s overall strategy. Coaches often weigh the potential benefits of gaining an additional two points against the risk of failing the attempt. In high-pressure situations, such as the final minutes of a close game, this decision can be crucial.

Memorable Two-Point Conversions

Some of the most memorable moments in football have involved successful two-point conversions. For instance, during the 2017 NFL season, the Minnesota Vikings executed a successful two-point conversion against the Chicago Bears to secure a win. These moments highlight the high stakes and excitement associated with two-point conversions.

Why Are Post-Touchdown Attempts Important?

Post-touchdown attempts play a crucial role in football, and understanding their importance can give you a deeper appreciation of the game. Here’s why they matter:

Impact on the Score

The additional points from a successful extra point or two-point conversion can significantly impact the final score. In close games, every point counts, and missing an extra point or failing a two-point attempt can change the game’s outcome. For instance, a missed extra point in a tightly contested game might be the difference between winning and losing.

The Ripple Effect

A failed attempt can also have a ripple effect on the team’s strategy. If a team misses an extra point or fails a two-point conversion, they may need to adjust their game plan, such as going for more aggressive plays or attempting riskier strategies to make up for the lost points.

Strategy and Decision Making

Coaches face strategic decisions about whether to go for the extra point or the two-point conversion based on the game situation. If a team is behind, they might opt for the two-point conversion to close the gap. Conversely, if a team has a comfortable lead, they might settle for the extra point to ensure a safer margin. These decisions can influence the flow and outcome of the game.

Game Management

Effective game management involves making strategic decisions about when to go for extra points or two-point conversions. Coaches must consider factors such as the score, time remaining, and the performance of their offense and defense. Strategic decisions in these situations can impact the overall outcome of the game.

Psychological Edge

Successfully converting a two-point attempt can boost a team’s morale and put psychological pressure on the opponents. It can shift the game’s momentum and give the scoring team a confidence boost. The psychological impact of these attempts shouldn’t be underestimated, as it can influence player performance and team dynamics.

Momentum Shifts

A successful two-point conversion can create a momentum shift in the game, energizing the team and their fans. Conversely, failing an attempt can deflate the team’s morale and give the opponents an advantage. Understanding these psychological effects helps appreciate the importance of post-touchdown attempts in shaping the game’s outcome.

The Role of the Defense in Post-Touchdown Attempts

The defense plays a critical role in post-touchdown attempts. Their job is to prevent the scoring team from adding those extra points. Here’s what they do:

Blocking the Kick

During an extra point attempt, special teams players from the defending team line up to block the kick. They must time their rush perfectly and leap at the right moment to disrupt the kicker’s attempt. Blocking an extra point is a significant achievement and can change the game’s momentum.

Techniques for Blocking Kicks

Defensive players use various techniques to block extra point kicks. These include timing their jumps, using proper positioning, and employing specialized training. Teams often analyze the opponent’s kicking game to develop effective strategies for blocking kicks.

Stopping the Play

In a two-point conversion attempt, the defense must read the offensive play and stop it before the ball crosses the goal line. This involves strong teamwork, strategic positioning, and effective tackling. The defense’s ability to stop the play can prevent the scoring team from gaining those crucial two points.

Defensive Strategies

Defensive teams use different strategies to stop two-point conversions, such as stacking the line of scrimmage, using zone or man-to-man coverage, and anticipating the offensive play. Effective communication and coordination among defensive players are essential for successfully stopping conversion attempts.

Historical Moments and Strategies

The history of football is filled with memorable moments related to post touchdown attempts. These moments highlight how critical these attempts can be:

Game Deciders

There have been numerous games where a missed extra point or a failed two-point conversion led to a team’s loss. For example, in Super Bowl LI, a missed extra point attempt by the Atlanta Falcons contributed to their loss against the New England Patriots. Such moments illustrate the high stakes involved in these attempts and their potential to affect the game’s outcome.

Classic Games

Classic games with dramatic post touchdown attempts include the “Hail Mary” game between the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys in 2014. The outcome of the game hinged on a critical extra point attempt, demonstrating how post-touchdown decisions can be pivotal.

Innovative Strategies

Teams often use creative plays during two-point conversion attempts to surprise their opponents. For example, some teams might use trick plays or unexpected formations to gain an advantage. These innovative strategies can become game-changers if executed successfully and add an element of excitement to the game.

Examples of Creative Plays

Innovative two-point conversion plays include the Philadelphia Eagles’ “Philly Special” in Super Bowl LII. The play involved a trick pass from the backup quarterback to the starting quarterback, resulting in a successful conversion. Such creative strategies highlight the strategic depth and excitement of post touchdown attempts.

The Evolution of Post Touchdown Attempts

The rules and strategies surrounding post touchdown attempts have evolved over time. Understanding this evolution provides insight into how the game has changed:

Rule Changes

The NFL and college football have adjusted the rules for extra points and two-point conversions to enhance the game. For instance, in 2015, the NFL moved the extra point attempt back from the 2-yard line to the 15-yard line to make it more challenging. This change aimed to increase the difficulty and reduce the predictability of the extra point attempt, adding more strategic depth to the game.

Rule Adjustments

Other rule adjustments include changes to kickoff rules and the introduction of new penalties. These adjustments impact how teams approach post touchdown attempts and influence the overall flow of the game.

Technological Advances

Advances in equipment and training have improved the accuracy of kickers and the effectiveness of defensive strategies. Modern kickers have access to better gear, and specialized training techniques have enhanced their precision. Additionally, defensive teams use advanced tactics and technology to improve their chances of blocking kicks or stopping plays.

Technology and Training

Technology, such as video analysis and performance tracking, helps teams evaluate and improve their post touchdown attempts. Kickers use high-tech equipment to refine their technique, while defensive teams employ data analytics to develop effective strategies for stopping conversions.

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Tips for Teams and Fans

Whether you’re a player, coach, or fan, understanding post touchdown attempts can enhance your appreciation of the game. Here are some tips to consider:

For Players

Players should practice different scenarios related to post touchdown attempts. Kickers should work on their accuracy under pressure, while offensive players should practice plays designed for two-point conversions. Defenders should also practice techniques for blocking kicks and stopping conversion attempts.

Training Drills

Training drills for kickers include practicing from various distances and under different weather conditions. Offensive players can simulate two-point conversion plays in practice, while defensive players can work on blocking techniques and reaction drills.

For Coaches

Coaches need to analyze game situations to make informed decisions about when to go for an extra point or a two-point conversion. This involves considering the score, time remaining, and overall game strategy. Effective coaching can influence the outcome of these attempts and impact the team’s performance.

Decision-Making Framework

Coaches can use decision-making frameworks to evaluate when to attempt an extra point or a two-point conversion. This includes analyzing statistical data, game context, and the team’s strengths and weaknesses.

For Fans

Fans should pay attention to post touchdown attempts as they can significantly influence the game’s outcome. Understanding the importance of these attempts adds to the excitement of watching football and helps fans appreciate the strategic elements of the game.

Engaging with the Game

Fans can engage with the game by following player statistics, understanding team strategies, and analyzing key moments. This enhances the overall viewing experience and provides a deeper appreciation of the game’s complexities.

The Psychology of Post Touchdown Attempt

The psychological aspect of post touchdown attempts is often overlooked but is a key factor in the game. Here’s how it plays out:

Pressure on Kickers

Kickers face immense pressure during extra point attempts, especially in high-stakes games. The ability to remain calm and focused under pressure is crucial for success. Kickers often practice mental techniques to handle this pressure and improve their performance.

Mental Preparation

Mental preparation techniques for kickers include visualization, relaxation exercises, and concentration drills. These techniques help kickers stay focused and perform effectively under pressure.

Impact on Team Morale

Successful conversion attempts can boost a team’s morale and confidence. Conversely, failing an attempt can affect a team’s mood and momentum. The psychological impact of these attempts can influence the overall performance and outcome of the game.

Morale and Performance

A team’s morale can significantly impact their performance in subsequent plays. High morale can lead to improved teamwork and execution, while low morale may result in mistakes and missed opportunities.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Understanding common mistakes related to post-touchdown attempts can help teams improve their performance. Here are some common errors and tips to avoid them:

Missed Kicks

Missed extra point kicks are often due to poor timing, bad weather conditions, or technical errors. To avoid this, kickers should practice regularly in various conditions and focus on their technique. Teams should also ensure their special teams unit is well-prepared for different scenarios.

Mitigating Errors

To mitigate errors, kickers can use techniques such as adjusting their approach based on weather conditions and improving their kick mechanics. Teams can also invest in quality equipment and maintain proper practice routines.

Failed Conversions

Failed two-point conversions often result from poor execution or defensive pressure. Teams should practice their plays thoroughly and make adjustments based on the defense’s tendencies. Effective communication and coordination among players are key to successful conversions.

Improving Execution

Improving execution involves refining offensive plays, practicing under game-like conditions, and analyzing opponent tendencies. Teams should also focus on clear communication and teamwork during conversion attempts.

Future Trends in Post Touchdown Attempt

As the game of football evolves, so do the strategies and trends related to post-touchdown attempts. Here’s a look at potential future trends:

Advanced Analytics

Teams are increasingly using advanced analytics to make decisions about post-touchdown attempts. Data on success rates, defensive tendencies, and game situations can inform decision-making and improve strategies. Future trends may include even more sophisticated analytical tools.

The Role of Big Data

Big data and machine learning may play a significant role in future decision-making processes. Teams could use predictive models to assess the likelihood of success for different strategies and optimize their post-touchdown attempts.

Changing Rules

Rule changes can continue to impact post-touchdown attempts. The game’s governing bodies may introduce new rules to enhance the excitement or strategic elements of these attempts. Keeping an eye on rule changes can provide insights into how post-touchdown attempts might evolve.

Potential Rule Changes

Possible future rule changes could include adjustments to the distance for extra point attempts, alterations to two-point conversion rules, or changes to the timing of these attempts. These changes could impact strategy and gameplay.


Post touchdown attempt are a crucial part of football that can influence the outcome of a game. Understanding the details of extra point and two-point conversion attempts, their significance, and the role of defense adds depth to your knowledge of the sport.

From historical moments to future trends, post touchdown attempt offer an exciting and strategic aspect of football. Next time you watch a game, pay close attention to these moments—they’re often where the game’s outcome is decided. The combination of strategy, psychology, and evolving trends makes post touchdown attempt a fascinating and integral component of the sport. By appreciating these elements, fans, players, and coaches alike can gain a deeper understanding of the game and enhance their overall experience.

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